Newt Gingrich | Fox News Channel | Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo

1 year ago


Well, listen, happy New Year and you look at those numbers it's really hard to imagine in the next week how Trump is going to do anything except sweep Iowa. He's built his lead. He's actually worked the state. You know, Ron DeSantis gets 200 people, Trump gets 7000. That sort of tells you something. And Iowa is a caucus state where people have to care enough to turn out. And I have no doubt that the Trump system has identified over 100,000 people who have committed to turning out for the president. So you have to assume and we'll be talking I'm sure you and I will talk about it after it happens. But I think we have to assume that next week is going to be a huge victory for Donald Trump and a big step towards the nomination. A week later is probably the most dangerous state in the country for him because independents can vote there. The Republican governor is opposed to him and, you know, he may only capture, but my prediction is he'll probably carry New Hampshire by a significant margin. When you add that in, that means, for all practical purposes, the Republican nomination race will be over sometime in January or February, and he will be the nominee for all practical purposes and will be in a general election choice between a failing, amazingly destructive incumbent who every single month gets weaker and a president who reminds us that we had better gas prices, better inflation, better employment, better international relations when he was president.


I think that's very likely true. You know, I know there are a lot of Democrats who would like to get rid of Biden, but they can't figure out a way to do it, and I don't think they will. So I think the fact is our primary choices this year are going to be between former President Trump and the current president. And given the economy, given that the 12 million I mean, think about what Jim Jordan said. 12 million illegal immigrants, those are Biden's illegal immigrants because it's Biden's illegal immigration policy. It's deliberate. That's going to be a big issue. Crime is going to be a big issue. The economy is going to be a big issue. And every one of those issues, Joe Biden is going to lose.


Well, let's divide the two. Government shutdowns is Joe Biden's problem. He's the president. It's his job to figure out how to keep it open. If it doesn't stay open, it's Joe Biden's failure. He won't negotiate. He won't talk. He won't confront the border. He won't do the obvious easy things. So in the end, the country is going to say the Biden administration failed once again because the House Republicans will have a proposal. They will get it through. I think that the speaker, Mike Johnson, is doing a pretty darn good job of unifying his conference, as you pointed out, to Jim Jordan. I mean, with a two vote margin, I can't imagine as a former speaker trying to get as much done as they're going to get done. So, first of all, any failure will be Joe Biden. Second, I think when you get to these court challenges, they are a perfect example of Venezuela or Russia or any other place that has totally phony systems. When you look at the attorney general of New York asking for $375 million in a fraud case in which there are zero people claiming fraud, not a single person came in and said that Donald Trump defrauded them. But the politicians of New York want to destroy him. When you look at the case in D.C., you have a radical left wing judge who is openly contemptuous of the president. You have, I think, a totally out of control prosecutor. And you have a district area where the voters were 19 to 1 against Trump. You're not going to get an honest an honest jury. They're going to have a chance to have a jury of your peers and the American people know that. So I think every time the Democrats use the law to try to destroy their opponents, they actually increase the strength of Donald Trump.


How do you do that? I mean, you have a president of the United States who is spending trillions of dollars paying off all of his friends to the most corrupt administration in history he’s going to have all the delegates. They will have voted for him. You know, he's gone through the primary. He's gone through the conventions. How do you how do you show up suddenly and say, why don't we dump the guy that every single one of us is committed to? And furthermore, how do you do that and jump past Kamala Harris for somebody else? I think that the part of the black community that's deeply democratic would explode if they saw Kamala Harris being dumped for somebody else. And so I don't I just don't see how they do it.

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