Negative Cord removal sound therapy | Sleep time Sound Therapy |

1 year ago

Negative Energy Cord Removal with the help of Sound.
A cord is an energetic structure that ties you and another person together. Sometimes these cords are formed from love and cause no harm but sometimes cords are formed through fear, anger, manipulation and other negative means. You are creating cords all the time as you interact
with others. When you form a relationship with a person, you make two types of connection.
The first type of connection is the spiritual, positive bond that contains energies like unconditional love, good times, lesson learned together, fondness and affection. This is a positive cord that we never sever because it contains all that is good about the relationship.
The second type of connection is a negative cord of attachment, this energetic structure contains all the negative energies that have ever been a feature of your relationship.
Cords may form between two people, or between a person and an animal, place, or object, when there are intense emotions like fear, worry, anger, or negativity in an interaction. Negative cords contract and drain energy.
The negative or draining cords need to be cleared from you in order to preserve your own energy body.
Cords can form without a physical relationship. Because energy follows thought simply thinking about someone can cord you into their energetic space We can cord into anyone and anything, but the strength of the cord depends on the amount of time/energy/emotion we put into thinking about that thing.

• You can expect to find your mind no longer dwells upon the person as the psychic attachment has been dissolved.
• Your mind is quieter, calmer and it is like cleaning out a closet - all those old emotions associated with that person dissolve as the communication between you ends.
• You now have extra space in your mind to fill with something better, and you will certainly be clearer in intent.
• You make room for more fulfilment, peace and clarity. You will be able to understand your thoughts and view life from a better perspective. As earlier your perspective was obscured by your relationship.
• Physical health improves in multiple ways. Some aches or pains you were experiencing in the past would disappear with cord cutting, as they might not be your aches or pains.
• When we cut the cord, we are freeing ourselves from any addiction to substances or bad habits. For example, giving up smoking can be easier with cord cutting technique. The emotions, feelings and pleasure felt from smoking can be released completely and no further urge will be felt.
• Relationships that have gone sour due to past experiences can be improved. Lovers, married couples, mother/daughter and father/son relationships, friends, partners, etc. When negative patterns are removed only the positive remains.
• Not feeling tired and drained


this is something need to listen at least once a day every day.
or whenever you feel drained or low in energy.

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