Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Evidence - Documented

9 months ago

Joe Biden is NOT a legitimate President. The Democrats sent lawyers in every State in early 2020 and petitioned Courts to change ELECTION PROCEDURES that those Courts did NOT have election authority to change! Only States’ legislatures could change election procedures! Covid 19 pathogen illegal research was authorized by Anthony Fauci which was released upon the World in December 2019! Resulting in lockdowns for months and paving the way for such hysteria that massive mail in ballots, fraudulent voter ballots, voting machines fraudulent algorithms to change votes from Trump to Biden were done in every state, Voter ID was abandoned & signature envelopes thrown away (getting rid of fraudulent names), Republican election volunteers at poll counting centers were forbidden to get near counting machines who were operated only by Democrat volunteers and on video captured the same bundles of ballots put thru many times, election machines were hooked up to the internet (which cybersecurity in real time tracked paper ballots being submitted internationally to machine locations!, people witnessed perfect (unfolded and computer generated inked candidate name of Joe Biden being processed at poll centers, Thousands of people were harvesting paper ballots and dumping massive numbers of ballots into ballot boxes continuously, (many caught on video cameras)! Trump was ahead on election night! then at 10pm, 5 States halted the counting of ballots for several hours into the next morning! A massive secret procedure of corruption of paper ballots coming from everywhere with alarming video footage – which by the next morning Joe Biden was named the winner. A massive amount of forensic, scientific, & hard evidence EXISTS proving the election FRAUD of the Democrats. JOE BIDEN ISNT the legitimate President at all!


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