Swiss Khazarian Zionist Slavers and Banksters. Pharistocracy & The Swiss Connection

1 year ago

Swiss Khazarian Zionist Slavers and Banksters. Pharistocracy & The Swiss Connection - Part 2
Solomon Von Wyss
It is my personal opinion that Historian Dr. Sean Hross is a Revisionist who is Deflecting Blame for the Centuries of Crimes Committed Against Humanity by the Rothschild Jewish Banksters and the British Led Globalist Cabal. Gabriel and McKibben have Confirmed that Switzerland is under the Control of the City of London.
The FAILURE of Sean Hross to point out that Wyss is a Jewish Banker tells you everything you need to know. Also, his Claims of Extensive Pharaonic ties to Switzerland are not only Extremely Overblown, I have not seen him Provide any evidence to support this theory.
But, ultimately it is His CONCLUSIONS that I disagree with. Otherwise, he does provide some great historical facts.
(((What Must Be Understood:
Those at the Highest Level of Power / Money - the True Puppet Masters have No Ideology, nor Religion. There are No Nazis, No Communists. The Right and Left does Not Matter. These are all merely Systems of Control Created to Manipulate the Masses.
Though it is easy to fall for the "Blame The Nazis" and the Anti-Jewish Propaganda - the Babylon Radhanite Khazarian Sabbatean Frankist Zionists were all part of Orchestrating the Oppression of the Real Jews as part of the Campaign for the Creation of the State of Israel.
Always look beyond the narrative and seek those who are pulling the Strings from the Shadows)))
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This is WHAT Controlled Opposition Looks Like. Rosanne Barr and Fulford Run Cover for Khazarians, Zionists and the City of London British Led Globalist Cabal
Lol. Come on Roseanne. Just Sat it: Rothschild's, Jews, Khazarians, Chabad Lubavitch, Sabbatean Frankist's and the Zionist New World Order...
It is indeed quite obvious for anyone with eyes to see. Enjoy the Show My Ass. You were Decieved. THAT WAS THE PLAN
Lol. And Fulford with his Gnostic Illuminati - P2 Freemasons is even worse.
23. February 1937 - Adolf Hitler guarantees Switzerland's neutrality
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Europe 1940: All neighboring countries in Germany have been overrun by the Wehrmacht - only Switzerland has not. Why does Adolf Hitler spare the Confederates of all places? To this day, the myth remains in the Alpine country that the defensive Swiss army has held the dictator. The Swiss sociologist and politician Jean Ziegler sees a completely different reason: "Hitler was crazy, but not so crazy to attack his own banker." For him, Switzerland was Hitler's helper. The so-called Swiss neutrality is "a prime example of hypocrisy".
Swiss armaments companies work for Hitler's war economy. The country supplies Germany and Italy with ten times more armaments than the Allies. Above all, Switzerland buys the German spoils of war: confiscated securities and the gold of the central banks in the occupied countries. "It has turned almost four fifths of all German gold into highly convertible Swiss francs," says the Zurich contemporary historian Jakob Tanner. Germany was able to buy strategic raw materials in Spain and Portugal, for example. Switzerland had "great benefits for German military and economic planning. In 1941 Hitler received a billion Swiss francs as a loan: for the Russian campaign.
Swiss with Nazi sympathies
See Full Article For More
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
THE WORLD OF HIGH FINANCE is a Jewish world.
Wars and revolutions are interwoven with International Jewish Banking. National loyalties have not part in the minds of Jewish bankers but rather an agenda that promotes the Anti-Christian cause of World Jewry.
The Jewish investment bank, Kuhn, Loeb, & Co is a case in point. The bank was started by Solomon Loeb in 1867 in New York City. Loeb was a partner with Abraham Kuhn in a Cincinnati clothing business. Kuhn returned to Germany in 1868 and there he was introduced to an Orthodox rabbi’s son named Jacob Schiff.
Jewish Swiss Billionaire Who Is Spending Tens of Millions on Democrat Campaigns Is Reportedly Not Even a US Citizen
Hansjörg Wyss is on all jewish sites mentioned clearly as "jew", but not as "jew" on wikipedia, owned by the same talmudic jews

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