Negativity as fuel: I am getting fat...Lets fix this

1 year ago

After noticing some unwanted fat gain and a growing dadbod, I realized my fitness motivation needed a boost. Multiple injuries leading to months of limited activity caused me to justify less exercise. But seeing an unflattering new video of myself was the wake-up call I required. With this simple hack of setting an embarrassing screenshot as my phone background, I rekindled my fitness drive to start effective fat loss and destroy my dadbod before things spiraled out of control. This constantly reminds me of my physical regression, leveraging my negative feelings to fuel self-improvement.

If you need inspiration to overhaul lackluster fitness habits and melt away fat, use my motivation tactics of accountability and self-imposed discomfort to get moving in the right direction. Losing the excuses and laziness is the first step – taking action is what builds real fitness motivation and enables effective fat loss and dadbod destruction. Shame and negativity can be reframed and utilised as fuel for progress.

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