David Lester Straight - Three Frequencies

1 year ago

They made the real New Years Day 👉🏽 April Fool’s Day — and it sure is, as the whole world’s been fooled. ⚡️👀⚡️

In ancient times, the New Year was based on the vernal equinox — around April 1st & our year is suppose to be 13 months with 28 days. Spring is the beginning of life and should mark the beginning of the year. Why did the [DS] made 13 an unlucky number?

April Fool’s Day is from 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII created the Gregorian calendar. The new calendar would start on January 1st. Many countries did not go along with the Pope’s Gregorian calendar, which is why other countries have their own calendar.

David Straight calls the Gregorian calendar ‘SMU’ — Sh!t Made Up! 😜😁😂

April = 1st
May = 2nd
June = 3rd
Quad'tillis = 4th (Sol)
Quin'tillis = 5th (July)
Sex'tilis = 6th (August)
September = 7th (‘Septem’ is SEVEN in Latin)
October = 8th (How many sides are in an OCTagon?)
November = 9th (Novem is NINE in Latin)
December = 10th (Decem is TEN in Latin)
January = 11th
February = 12th
March = 13th

Number 13 Meaning, It's a Powerful Blessing From God


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