Eric Dubay Flat Earth Movement Album Interview

1 year ago

Eric Dubay Flat Earth Movement Album Interview
As far as Flat Earth or Flat Plain nonmoving Earth, Eric Dubay & I agree 100%.
Although I disagree completely with Veganism and Vegetarianism, I do respect and love Eric himself as a humane human being with no ill will toward other good living beings (this includes all GODs creatures). I believe that he believes that his eating habits are the correct way, however I disagree and am at the complete opposite view.
I believe a high animal protein\fat and low carb eating life style is the healthiest.
At least, I know this for a fact, from my own eating experiments. When I eat more carbs and less animal foods, I get pains all over my body from inflammation. So, I love to eat red meats especially and feel the best with them. Chicken does not always agree with me so I eat less of it. I love power greens, all kinds of vegetables, all kinds of beans, seeds, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and fruits. Do I eat some carbs, yeah. I try to limit carbs, but I do eat some rice & breads once in a while, usually because someone else made it for a special occasion (you know like BDAY parties). Basically, I try to eat as Dr. Berg & Dr. Ekberg suggest.
Eric Dubay claims he feels better on his diet, however his body language in his videos and interviews SEEMS to ME as he might be suffering (like inflammation). I do not know for sure; it is just what I sense in his posture and lack or type of movement.
Anyway, I just want everyone to know that I post Eric Dubay’s videos because I believe in his Flat Earth proofs and logic and love him as a human.
If anyone is a Vegan or Vegetarian, I still respect and love you, I only judge based on ill will toward others. And if it is working for you, then that is Awesome and keep doing what works!
Another note: The deep state promotes Veganism and always states that Meats & fats are bad, so if anything, that should ring a bell in our heads. They lie about everything, so I don’t know why Eric believes them with their unhealthy views.

Thanks for listening, Love & Peace!

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