China and America Can be Friends Without the CCP Involved

1 year ago

01/04/2024 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: Qian Jin, the Acting Consul General of the Chinese Consulate in New York, claiming that he and the American people are very similar is a joke. He works to facilitate Xi Jinping's takeover of the United States and global domination. The American people believe in unalienable rights, freedoms bestowed by God, and the pursuit of happiness. In Communist China, there are no human rights. Only by excluding the CCP can China and the United States become friends.
01/04/2024 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show:中国驻纽约代理总领事钱进说自己和美国人民非常相似就是个笑话。他为习近平接管美国和征服世界而工作。美国人民相信天赋人权,相信上帝赋予的自由和追求幸福的权力。而在中共国没有任何人权。只有把共产党铲除,中美两国才能成为朋友。

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