Decide Now: Worship or Reject the LORD (Joshua 24)

8 months ago

New Year Message
January 4, 2023

While in Mount Sinai, the children of Israel could have rejected God. YaHWeH was not forcing them to enter into a covenant relationship with him. The people could have gone their own way, whether back to Egypt or find some other place where they wanted to go. In today’s story, they were in the Promised Land already. And then, here comes Joshua, giving them a choice: (1) to continue to worship YaHWeH their God who blessed them with the land, or (2) to worship the god of their ancestors, or (3) to worship a new god, the god of the Amorites. Again, was God pushing them away, tempting them to leave him and go with a strange god?

Aries Daya
President, e-Life Leadership Forum Inc.

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