Lewandowsi Responds To Joy Villa Allegations

7 years ago

Payne was suspended by the network earlier this year after being accused of sexual harassment and returned to air months later after an internal investigation, a fact Lewandowski brought up repeatedly.

“Well, Charles, I think as someone who has been through this, you understand that there is a due process and there is a process which they will go through to determine a person’s innocence, which I think you’ve been through, and you understand it and you respect it,” he said.

Payne simply responded, “Yeah. I think everyone understands and respects it,” going on to ask Lewandowski what he thinks is motivating Villa in making these accusations of sexual assault.

“That’s a question for her. I’m not here to speak for Joy,” he said. “What I am going to do is to let the process play forward just as you did when you were accused of sexual harassment in your own case.”

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