1 year ago

my entire life I've had the same problem. who am I, really. I've always seen the pain and misery around me, but never understood it until I answered four questions... who am I? where did I come from? where are we going? why is this important? I found that no matter how many times I answered the first question I always found more to my identity. I came to realize and I hope you do too, that I never could answer the first question. not until I answered the others. who I am became my purpose in life as my life doesn't have purpose without who I am. the purpose of this video is to wake you up to the fact of who you are and that you are hated. that the reason for why you are hated, you have to discover for yourself. as no one can walk this same path for you. I give you two websites that helped me greatly to truly learn who I am. a full circle of my life coming back to the beginning. I always knew who I am I just couldn't understand that till now... christogenea.org truthvids.net

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