Jan 7 2024 Is this how we solve gloabal worming jan 7 2024.

1 year ago

This is an interesting video to know about as is part of problems so we will come with solutions. My first goal is to educate you with facts From that we will start to have solutions. See how this waist will bring a bigger problem. Myself I study this solar for some years and first time I intended to have some but I realized the oil companies got the patents on it, so again lawyers, so this is a fiasco because they have no brain at all and this is one more prove. And this is one case from thousands and more to come . NO end to it. Nature has it's rules and that is not the same as lawyers rules for sure. Again the same with the wind power generation all is fiasco and we can't have any change as long the lowers dictate on us what to do and how to think and do our businesses. Now is clear to me as evidence I have and show it again and again , lawyers have no brain so this is what happen. When you know all of this you will think, what is the solution, the uplift in energy and one video and more to come with show it but again lawyers are the one standing firm with all there military might in police and there slaughter houses , yes including hospitals etc.will go in there way, but if we are many we will win. As today I just view the documentary "Police state" and show how lawyers manipulate all county for there goals only. You want prove, yes is simple, go to any of of there "courts" and see there brothers in arm siting on the bench ( the bank) and treat you as junk. , as I name this slaughter houses and see simple is no justice and is notably about the lawyers is about people too.. you will see how they make you to be guilty so they will make money , they look for the money as all This AI type want, Next video will be more on the way they talk on trans humanism and this is more dangerous that anything humanity have and will have. So again this is a clear problem and we will come with solution, but only if we unite.

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