The CCP Plans To Launch 10,000 Military Balloons Over Taiwan as US Is Weak

9 months ago

01/04/2024 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: The CCP is launching 4 balloons over Taiwan for a flight test. The whistleblower said upwards of 10,000 balloons would possibly be launched 9 days before the election in Taiwan. It is a result of the weakness of President Biden and the American military. The US hasn’t preserved that power of deterrence.
01/04/2024 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show:中共向台湾放了4个气球测试飞行。爆料人爆料:在台湾选举9天前,中共可能会放多达一万个气球大规模入侵台湾。这是拜登总统及美国军队的软弱导致的。美国没有发挥威慑力量。

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