Shunning Imperialism

1 year ago

#ShunningImperialism The #UnitedStates #Imperialism is a #Atrocious #Degenerate #Disaster, #America and #WesternNations participates in #MassSlaughter by #Weaponizing #Democracy and #HumanRights in their names which is anything but that. America instigates #Wars of #Aggression #Coups and outright #Murder, this is their #ModusOperandi for all #Nations of the #Planet No one or #Nation is safe under the #US #RulesBasedInterNationalOrder which is nothing but #DisOrder #Undemocratic
There's always been #DoubleStandards and #Unfairness in #Americas #Ideology and #Principles even today it refuses to pay its #Debt of #Reparations to the #Descendants of #Slaves who built this nation from its #Inception for hundreds of years It has paid #Recompense to the #Indigenous #Inhabitants its paid #Japanese for their #WW2 #Internment and other #Ethnicities for its #Nefarious #Wickedness but continually fails to #Indemnify its #AfricanDescendants for their #Harms, #Losses and #Sufferings #RTnews

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