At Least 10 Iranian Republican Guard Navy Ships Burning

1 year ago

Best Of Veterans Against Treason 2023 - Recommended Sites :

Things to keep in mind :
We live in a binary solar system with an appx 3600 year long orbit of our sister star Nemesis and its accompanying planets. 🪐 NCSWIC

Betelgeuse ( Star 🌟 Supernova ) will be what has been foretold as THE GREAT SOLAR FLASH.

History Re-Sets

Flood - Mud Flood

Reptilians Are Real - Assholes !

Space Is Fake 🥸 & Gay
[ Tom Opinion : We either never made it out from under the firmament or we faked 🥸 some fake 🥸 video to him whatever we might have found. Think early narrative alternative ~ flexible video archive ~ alternate endings ? ]

MASKED AVENGER - It is becoming clear to me at least that JFK JR is wearing masks and portraying characters that always allow him close access to President Donald Trump and/or Del Bigtree is he wants to visit with his best friend and cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Michelle Obama Has A Dick - Home - Patriot memes - truth memes - funny memes - trump memes - wisdom memes and more memes

ADRENOCHROME is very very real.

1.) Celebrities Coming In From Self Exile / Witness Protection -


3.) Top Secret Q Alerts ‼️-

4.) Home - Patriot memes - truth memes - funny memes - trump memes - wisdom memes and more memes


The latest from her as of February 1st , 2023.

View this website carefully. The video is literally hard to comprehend, yet upbeat and easy to get caught up into. Great Storytelling Skills.

She seems Infinitely at home is this Mystic Sister ~ Gypsy ~ *** Intergalactic , Ambassador ,
Galactic Federation , Freestyle Awakening Narrator Role.

Can Vincent Kennedy give us a thumbs up 👍 for Elena Danaan?

I have been studying the entire UFO / ANCIENT ALIENS FIELD for years.

Almost all of it is normally ho-hum. We are numb to it all.

Now along comes a French woman Egyptologist , who claims to be an alien abductee who was rescued by good aliens of The Galactic Federation.

She is a wonderfully entertaining storyteller and author of many books.

Her main book 📖 referenced is called THE SEEDERS.

She is considered by multiple people and organizations as the official spokesperson for what is essentially our “Star Trek” future.

Star Trek in particular is considered by many as being a soft disclosure.

Incidentally, the creator and writer of Star Trek , Gene Roddenberry was an Air Force Veteran of the Cold War period when UFO’s first appeared in our era.

At the bottom of Russell J. Gould’s website are links to just a handful of esoteric websites including that of Elena Danaan….

Her books are literally out of this world and there is absolutely NO OTHER NARRATIVE being spun or offered up by the UFO community at this time.

6.) Truth Bombs

7.) Epstein Island 🏝️ Documents 📑—

8.) Former Bill Gates vaccine scientist predicts sharp population decline: “up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries”

9.) Follow Theresa White Rabbit 🐇 Chart -


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