Rahan. Episode Fifty-five. Roger Lecureux. The one who makes clouds. A Puke (TM) Comic.

1 year ago



Episode Fifty-five.

Drawn by Andre Cheret, text by Roger Lecureux.

The one who makes clouds.

Rahan will not eat today!
The “Birds-that-swim” are faster than him!
The panicked ducks once again escaped the son of Crao.

Disappointed, he returned to the bank.
Rats hunt better than Rahan!
They only left the bones and feathers!

The carcass, still feathered, was dried out.
A long time ago, no doubt, water rats had devoured the entrails of this great duck.

Page Two.

The “Birds-that-swim” will not always taunt Rahan!
Reproaching himself for not having had this idea sooner, the son of Crao let himself slide under the water.

Swimming gently at the bottom of the river, he was soon under the ducks.
Up above, the webbed feet beat the surface.

He propelled himself with a vigorous kick of his heel and.
Rahan hunts as well as rats!

Shortly after, in the shade of the palm trees, he lit a fire.
He was still unaware that all his actions were being observed!

A light breeze rose.
While the duck roasted, the son of Crao watched the plumes of smoke rise.
And suddenly!

Page Three.

Blown down by the wind, large palm fronds sometimes stopped the rise of these volutes.
And small clouds rose in the sky.

Amused by this curious phenomenon, Rahan ate cheerfully.
The foliage cuts the smoke into pieces, like Rahan has cut the bird that swims.

Cries both worried and threatening suddenly alerted him.
A solid spear stuck into the heart of his fire.

On the other bank, a hunter was screaming.
A woman and a child stood behind him.

Arrak does not fear demons!
If you enter our territory, he will kill you!

The son of Crao only heard a few words, but he understood their meaning.
Why do they want to prevent Rahan from crossing to the other side of the waterway?

Page Four.

Over there, in concert, the trio monitored the river without ceasing.
What do they say? Rahan would like to know! But they will not let him near them!

The gutted and dried carcass of the duck inspired him with a ruse.

A rush slid into the neck restored the appearance of life to this carcass.

Through these holes, Rahan will be able to see without being seen!

The hunter and his companions, on the other bank, did not notice the reeds that were parting.

Nor do they pay attention to this “Bird-who-swims” which, a moment later, was innocently crossing the river!

Page Five.

Two tigers emerged from the rushes, and gathered together to pounce.
Rahan should not have thrown the spears into the water!
You could have resisted the “Striped Skin”!

Rahan hopes he can atone for his mistake!
Gripping his ivory knife, the son of Crao attacked.

He felt capable of triumphing over the feline who had just knocked him down.
But the other?
What would these unfortunate people do, disarmed in the face of the other beast?

As he dealt a fatal blow to the "Striped Skin", he responded with a victorious clamor.

Arakk had just broken the neck of the great tigress!
Rahan has met few hunters who dare to confront a “striped skin” with their hands alone!

Page Six.

Exhausted by the effort the man panted
Araak had to save his wife. And his son!
Araak is brave! He could be Rahan's friend!

No! You make clouds!
And the clouds are bad for the clan!
Rahan knows how to make fire, it is true!
He knows how to make smoke, it is true!
And what you saw was not clouds, but smoke!

The hunter, troubled, looked gravely at the son of Crao.
Rahan says strange things!
The clan will never believe them!

Rahan will tell your brothers that he is not lying!
Do you want to take him to yours?

A little later.
Usually, women and children do not accompany hunters.
Why are they with you?

Page Seven.

To find game we often have to walk for days and many of our hunters have never found the way back to the village!

They died in the jungle without even seeing those they loved again!
This is why, for a few moons our clan has decided.

That men would go hunting with their families!
So, if death strikes, they join the “Territory of Shadows” together!

Araak affectionately hugged his wife and son.
The new clan law is: “Live together or die together”!

It was a long and difficult walk.
Araak often stopped, looking for a landmark to orient himself
Rahan understands better why so many hunters go astray!

Page Eight.

The trees looked similar.
The thickets looked the same.
The bushes looked the same.
Everything was so similar that Rahan was amazed.

To suddenly emerge into a sunny clearing.
Mine have the face of bad days!
A new misfortune has struck the clan!

Hostile groups approached.
“Body of Stone” Did not come back from the hunt!
And you, Araak, you bring back a stranger!
Would you have realized that food is rare, and.

Your tongue will speak differently when you have heard Araak!
Araak recounted his meeting with the son of Crao and the fight with the "Striped Skins".
He spoke of fire and "Clouds".
But as the hunters remained incredulous.
You do not believe Araak?
Well, Rahan is going to show you these things you have never seen!

Page Nine.

Very often, Rahan had amazed clans by making fire spring from the “stones that throw the stars”.
This time again he provoked astonishment and then enthusiasm.

But the fear returned when the palm fronds he was swinging formed volutes.
You are an evil spirit!
You make the clouds that bring the storm!
These are not clouds!
Would the clan be afraid of simple tufts of smoke!?
The swirls quickly dissipated into the azure.

“Fire Hair” is right!
Real clouds do not disappear like this!
Can you do other miracles?
Eh? Eh!

Rahan does not perform miracles!
But he knows many things that he will teach his brothers.
When he finds the one you call "Stone Body!"

Page Ten.

“Stone Body” Is our leader.
He had to pursue game and went too deep into the forest.
Did you look for him?

No! Clan law forbids it!
In the past, we tried to find those who got lost.
But we were losing more hunters than those we hoped to save!

Rahan does not belong to the clan!
He does not have to obey this law!
He will bring back "Body of Stone"!
A murmur of admiration arose.

Araak will accompany “Hair of Fire”!
"Stone body" went to the side of "red teeth".
We will go there!

Rahan and Araak, shortly after, plunged into the thick jungle.
You said your people still hunt as a family?
Our leader has neither wife nor children.
He always leaves alone!

Page Eleven.

When the two men reached the "Red Teeth", the sunset fires brightened the pink granite of the rocks.
These are not the tracks of a hunter, Araak.
But those of a great “Four Hands”

Night interrupted their search.
Only “Body of Stone” Knows this territory!
If we don't find him alive, we are lost too!!
He is alive, Araak! Listen!

Among the thousand cries of birds which greeted the near return of daylight, Rahan's trained ear had just distinguished distant calls.
It is the echo of the ravine that brings us these cries!

The son of Crao and his companion followed the steep-sided fault for a long time.
Over there! It is "Body of Stone"! He is hurt!

The man had seen them.
He was waving one arm, but the other seemed dead.
It is the good sense of the hunters who sent you, Araak!
With only one hand "Body of Stone" would not be safe from this trap!

Page Twelve.

Body-of-stone was surprised by a "Four-hands” which knocked him unconscious and threw him into the ravine.

He could have reached the territory of shadows but only his arm was broken!
The son of Crao was already tying strong vines.

A moment later.
Hmm, Rahan now understands why you are calling your chief the “Body of Stone”!

Rahan and Araak had to make terrible efforts.

To hoist the colossus which could only use his feet, and was still in the void.

When furious growls came from behind the two men.
Smashing the branches, a large male gorilla was about to charge them!!

Page thirteen.

If they let go of the line to face the danger, "Body of Stone” would crash to the bottom of the ravine! And Araak's spear was stuck twenty paces away!

If Araak runs towards his spear, Rahan will not be able to hold back "Stone Body"!
He must! Araak!
He must!

Araak and the great ape rushed towards the weapon at the same time.
With incredible energy, the son of Crao tied the vine around his waist.

He saw the "Four-hands" throw his companion to the ground and he himself, dragged down by the weight of the colossus, lost his balance!

As the gorilla angrily broke the spear, Araak rushed.
Courage “Fire Hair”! Courage brother!
Finding no hold to hold on to, Rahan slipped towards the abyss!

Page Fourteen.

Everything had happened very quickly.
What followed was even more so!
While Araak, braced against the line, relieved Rahan, the latter drew his cutlass.
And the gorilla charged again!

A melee was unthinkable.
Rahan had to kill from afar!
If Rahan misses the "Four Hands", we will no longer have a weapon!
The three of us will all join the “Territory of Shadows”!

The knife flew towards the black chest of the monster.
Save Rahan knife! Save him once again!

The large ivory blade disappeared into the flesh.
The gorilla remained motionless for a moment, as if struck by amazement.

Then, feeling death creeping into him, he leapt towards the thickets, towards his domain.
Let us get the “body of stone” back up! Quick! Quick! Quick!

Page Fifteen.

It was only when his leader was safe that Araak understood the haste of the son of Crao.
If Rahan loses track of the “Four Hands”, he will never find his knife!

Trampled bushes.
Crushed herbs.
The trail was easy to follow.
But anxiety choked Rahan's throat.

Perhaps the "Four Hands" had rid itself of the weapon?
Perhaps it was already buried in this inextricable mess?

This knife and the necklace of claws that Crao-the-wise had once left him were his only possessions! Deprived of one or the other he no longer felt quite himself.

That was why he screamed with joy when he finally discovered the great ape.
The ivory weapon had done its work!

Page Sixteen.

But his joy was soon to be over!
Rahan has taken too many detours!
He cannot even find his own tracks! Oh!

Chance had led him to “Body of stone”, they too were lost!
It is the evil spirit that brings us together, "Fire Hair"!
It wants us to die together!

We will wander for days and days in the jungle.
And we will end up being torn to pieces by the wild beasts, like so many others!
No! We will find your clan!

Rahan, agile, climbed into a tree.
What is the point, "Fire Hair"!
“Stone body” has often tried to locate the village this way!
It is impossible!
Even from the top of the biggest tree you cannot see the "Red Teeth"!

A moment later the son of Crao dominated the ocean of greenery.
Up to the horizon it was just a mass of trees.
Where did the “Red Teeth” stand? On which side was the village located?
Nothing was left to him but guessing!
Page Seventeen.

With bitterness in his heart, he was going to abandon the summit.
And suddenly there was a miracle.
Rahan knows where the clan is!
The hunters imitated Rahan!

All the way over there, tiny clouds escaped from the foliage, signaling the location of the village that no one could have discerned!

A little later.
We will be near yours before sunset!
The “Clouds” will guide our steps!
Under cover, there was a great risk of getting lost again.

But the son of Crao often re-orientated himself.
And the village was in sight in the evening.
Never again will hunters get lost in the jungle!

Unaware that they had allowed their return, the clan cheered the three men.
We did like Rahan!
We made fire spring from the “Stones-that-threw-stars”.
We made clouds!

Page Eighteen.

And thanks to these "Clouds”, lost hunters will always find their way back to the village!
Maybe even talk from afar.
Like this.

A few clouds will say that things are "going well".
Many clouds will say that they are going badly.
It will be enough to agree on a language!

We owe you a lot!
But what are you doing?

"Stone body” will soon be able to brandish a spear!
Rahan carefully ligated the broken limb, as Crao had instructed him.

And Araak believed, on the river, that you were a demon!
Araak was stupid! Will you forgive him?
Rahan smiled brotherly.
He always forgave the ignorance of "Those-who-walk-upright", when they recognized it loyally.

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