Blorenge Mountain Orbs & Hatterall Hill Disc UFO

1 year ago

Two highly intriguing, detailed UFO encounters occurred close together between August and September 2023.

Carol Davis and Audrey Kerr saw five to six light spherical orbs circling the top of Blorenge Mountain on September 12th, 2023, about 9 p.m.

Michele Civil and Peter Waite, along with numerous other witnesses, saw a big silver disc float silently over Hatterall Hill on August 22nd between 7:30pm and 8pm.

Both sightings were only seven to eight miles apart and occurred within a few weeks. After researching the area, speaking with witnesses, and visiting the area personally to investigate, I am confident that the Abergavenny-Monmouth area of Wales could be a new UFO hotspot.

Here is my UFO case report on these two very intriguing cases, as always make up your own mind.

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