Going to the Dogs: Full Metal Ox Day 1044

1 year ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1044
Monday 08, January 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1109

Going to the Dogs

The simian evolution story from the original Planet of the Apes goes something like this; human pets, dogs and cats were wiped out by, guess what... A virus, so monkeys were adopted as pets, then became servants and somehow over thousands of years humans became feral as the apes became wise.
Today, almost 60 years after the release of the first Planet of the Apes movie, pets and dogs in particular have become "family members". Which by the way is accurate to the etymology of the word "family." In my neighborhood I've seen dog being pushed around in prams, being carried in purses and backpacks and shoulder holsters. They are walked around on leashes too. It's a law, but some pooches are better behaved than others, and while they are leashed, their "pet parent" isn't holding said leash.
There are 7 or 8 dogs living in these "villas". Nextdoor neighbor has two. Upstairs neighbor has two.
I have no pets. You'd have met them by now and I'd probably be using them to gain popularity.
I prefer dogs to cats, but the cats I lived with and looked after for a couple of years have warmed me to felines. Although I don't consider myself a "cat person."
Today's episode, aside from being in the park again, has to do with the relationship between humans their dogs and the shit that far too many of them, humans, don't pick up and how this is one of the failures that will cause the end of humanity.
It's Moonday. Let's get into the week.

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