You're Gonna Hear Me Now

8 months ago

Joe Murray - You're Gonna Hear Me Now

Produced by Joe Murray
Instrumental by Dannson Beats


"Take a deep breath, look at it again, oh it's a piece of shit!? That's all it is, it's nothing more! You're right! You're right! Not those fuckers who want to tell you how to think, you're fucking right!

Ayo, since a little boy I recognized that the world was completely backwards
And felt trapped, cus I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what it was
But I just knew things weren’t the way the were supposed to be
And felt so out of place that I thought there was something wrong with me
I couldn’t be who I was expected to be
Nor did I try to be
And had trouble conforming to the norms of society
So I observed quietly, Hyper conscious
Felt like I was dreaming watching people conversating over the most meaningless nonsense
Tryin’ to make sense out of what all seemed so complicated
Couldn’t comprehend the way that the world operated
The fact we had to pay to be alive on a planet that God created
I knew somewhere we got betrayed and the truth was obfuscated
And it weighed on my mind
But through time I’ve come to realize all these lies and deceptions
And misconceptions that led us in this direction
All so painfully blatant
And I just can’t fuckin’ take it anymore
So I’m breakin’ my silence and makin’ a statement


You’re gonna hear me now
Yea now the whole world’s gonna hear me out
I’m no longer stayin’ silent, time to air it out
You’re gonna hear me now
I’ma let you all know what I think about you fuckin’ statists and this shameless world and the state it’s in
You’re gonna hear me now
All the rage I’ve been tryin’ to control within
The awakening that I’ve went through
The anger that I’ve been holding in
You’re gonna hear me now
I’ma lay it all out on the table so you understand where I stand as a man
Hear me now

Time to stop pointing fingers and start blaming ourselves
We collectively created a hell
Just look at the place
It’s a disgrace
We should be ashamed of ourselves
Letting’ a kakistocracy make a mockery of freedom
Shit, we live in a cross between 84’, Brave New World and Idiocracy
It’s a fuckin’ comedy show this country
How can we possibly tell ourselves we’re free?
Come on now honestly
Allowin’ the state a monopoly on force and property
And this country was supposedly founded upon the principles of individual sovereignty?
Shit, we straight up turned around and pissed on the graves of the founders
Just look around us and tell me what the fuck is there to be proud of?
All there is to see is a bunch of servile fuckin’ cowards
Bowing to those in power as their rights get devoured
It’s a joke
All you clowns and your fake ass patriotism
You’re all just a bunch of willing slaves to the system
It’s your ignorance we’re up against
So crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you
And may posterity forget that you were ever our countrymen


You’re gonna hear me now
Yea now the whole world’s gonna hear me out
I’m no longer stayin’ silent, time to air it out
You’re gonna hear me now
I’ma let you all know what I think about you fuckin’ statists and this shameless world and the state it’s in
You’re gonna hear me now
All the rage I’ve been tryin’ to control within
The awakening that I’ve went through
The anger that I’ve been holding in
You’re gonna hear me now
I’ma lay it all out on the table so you understand where I stand as a man
Yea, you’re gonna hear me now

Yea, you’re gonna hear me now

Yea, hear me now

Can you mother fucka’s hear me now?

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