85 Luke 22:63-23:25 (Jesus' trial)

1 year ago

I. Review/background
II. Narrative
1. Jesus before the council/Sanhedrin (22:63-71)
2. Judas’ suicide (Matt 27:3-10)
Matthew 27:3-10
3. Jesus before Pilate (23:1-7)
4. Jesus before Herod (23:8-12)
Luke 13:31 / Luke 23:8
Matthew 12:39 / Isaiah 53:7
5. Jesus before Pilate again (23:13-17)
Luke 23:14-16
6. Jesus flogged
John 19:1 / John 19:2-3
7. Jesus sentenced to death (23:18-25)
Matthew 27:15-25
III. How should we then live?
1. On detainment
2. On political decisions
3. On the Gospel
Leviticus 16:15-16, 20-22

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