Tower for MJ 12 Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Tower for MJ 12 Energy Vlog Title is form the date January 7,2024 thus #16 The Tower card Lightning strike take down the structure built on shifting sands . MJ 12 is a US government secret agency created to handle the UFO / UAP information and technology.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us two amplitudes. the first amplitudes power of 7 at 3.15 AM UTC, thus we have the Hermit after gaining inner wisdom Takes a Chariot ride to share that knowledge. The second amplitude power of 8 at 10:00 AM UTC thus the Wheel of Fortune rolling in with ke armic change for which we need tio be strong and brave as the strength card tels us. The quality power is 11.3 thus five the Hierophant card depicting a crooked pope, ibn its highest interpolation a spiritual messenger. The frequecny average is 7.71 hertz, thus #15 the Devil card with addiction and obsession as his tools of enslavement to his dark agenda.

We can say about it all: The Tower of MJ 12 falling casues us. to gatherstrength to be strong and brave as we face the Hierophant who a has teamed with the devil to cause such harm.

This being a Sunday we pulled two card from the starseed oracle deck. sthe first carde is the Seas of Mintaka, telling us to see the potential. We are to bring unconsciousness to light. the second card si Portal, The Doors are opening. you get to decide. Rewards are coming. Play your wildcard to win.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather News Site:
Richard Dolan UFO Act video:

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