Zionist is my name (Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil)

9 months ago

America has been controlled by Zionists ever since they killed JFK for opposing Israel's atomic weapons program, for wanting AIPAC registered as a foreign agent, and for trying to bring peace to the world, ending the Bankers Wars that have been going on for centuries. Add USS Liberty, Nixon setup, and 9/11 to their treachery. They are not the chosen people of God; they are charlatans, Ponzi schemers, gypsies, traitors, war criminals, occultists, pedophiles, and genocidal demons murdering innocent men, women, children and babies by the thousands in Palestine.

From Epstein & Weinstein to Milken & Madhoff to Randi Weingarten & Walensky to Bourla, the CDC & FDA to Garland, Mayorkas, & Yellen to Dimon & Fink and to the bribed and blackmailed Judges and Politicians, to the Communists, to the Globalists, to the Bankers, and to their masters, the Zionists that have divided, corrupted, exploited, and subverted our great nation, I am calling YOU OUT.

I am calling out your Jewish Supremacy, your Overt Racism towards White people, your Media Lies and Propaganda, your Rewriting of History, your Communism disguised as Wokeism and Social Justice, your Hollywood and Music Industry Degeneracy, and your Indoctrinating of our children, that is all intended to destroy our Nation, its History, its Founding Fathers, and its Christian and American Traditions.

I am calling out your Corruption, your Cancel Culture, your Big Tech Censorship, and your Authoritarianism that is an attack on our Constitution and our Freedoms.

I am calling out your Crony Capitalism and your Banker Wars that Destabilize nations, Enslave them in debt, and result in Mass Immigration and Conflict.

I am calling out your intent on a One-World Government where you enslave or murder all Goyim as openly stated by your religious texts and religious leaders.

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