Today in History Food Edition January 8 2024

11 months ago

Theophany/Feast of Epiphany or Feast of Baptism of the Lord (Jan 6-13)
St. Thorfinn
St. Gudula of Brussels
National Pizza Week
Lakeview Roscoe Village Restaurant Week
108th Annual Pennsylvania Farm Show
National Western Stock Show, Rodeo & Horse Show
Iowa Specialty Producers Conference
Visit Lauderdale Food & Wine Festival
National English Toffee Day
Feast of St. Erhard of Regensburg, patron of bakers
National Pizza Week
1676 Charles II of England revoked his previous proclamation suppressing Coffee Houses due to public response
1800 The first soup kitchens in London were opened to serve the poor
1856 Dr John A Veatch discovered large deposits of borax in Tuscan Springs, California
In 1894 Pierre Joseph van Beneden died. A Belgian parasitologist, he discovered the life cycle of tapeworms
1926 Comedian 'Soupy Sales' (Milton Supman) was born (died Oct 22, 2009)
1940 Britain's Ministry of Food instituted rationing of butter, Sugar and bacon
1945 Brantford, Ontario is the first Canadian community to fluoridate its water supply
1992 President George H.W. Bush becomes ill on a trip to Japan and vomits on Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa Kiichi
1998 Walter E. Diemer died
2002 Dave Thomas founder of Wendy's Hamburger chain died (born July 2, 1932)
2018 In Rocky River, Ohio, the local Postal service reports that aggressive turkeys are "creating unsafe conditions" for postal carriers

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