Paul Murphy - 'Urban Paranoia' . Rough-edge electric remake.

1 year ago

I can't believe I've been belting this song out for over 30 years now. I can't believe nothing's changed in 30 years either. Both statements are, unfortunately, true tho'.

This is [another] alternate arrangement, a slap-paced electric version and not playing the full inter-chords, at least until the lyrics were all done. With my fingers and arms now so disabled, it's impossible to play it any other way now. What the hey, the lyric is what this song is about.

Light and peace,

'Urban Paranoia' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 1993, 2023

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Wanna buy my children some earplugs? If so, many sincere thanks and much gratitude, from both myself, and from them via myself; the link is

If you have listened and read this far, you have been extraordinarily kind with your precious time, and my sincere thanks for that. Waste not a second - I beg you.
Paul M x

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