Hunter Avallone, Jesus & Conservatives | Hunter Avallone, Christmas 200 Sub Special, Capitalism

11 months ago

From the dawn of Youtube, the ideological debate between religion and atheism had been raging on but as it lost relevance over the years, the energy, vigour and intellect invested in this phemenon was converted to Youtube’s new trend. Politics. But in the intersection of religion and politics, there have been heavy accusations of hypocrisy levelled by more left-leaning atheists against Conservatives for their supposed Christian beliefs of helping the poor and downtrodden while advocating for Laizze Faire Economics. These criticisms have been somewhat hilariously personified in the meme of Republican Jesus. And political pundit Hunter Avallone continues the spirit of this secular tradition through this thoughtful tweet.
Of course the first two points are jokes since Jesus wasn’t born because of adultery and Jesus’ parental situation is more akin to an adoption than that of a gay couple. The aesthetics points about Jesus having long hair may not be true since we don’t know what Jesus looked like regardless of the paintings and Jesus would have probably worn the culturally male dress of the time. But his final point is that Jesus commanding “people to care for the underprivileged” is at odds with Laisse Faire Conservatives. As in Christian Conservatives are hypocrites for wanting less government spending on poverty yet follow Jesus who commanded people to help the poor. Hunter would probably also argue that Christian conservatives have been bigoted to historically marginalised minorities such as Black and LGBT Americans or refuse to provide solutions that will solve these groups suffering.

Hunter’s original tweet:
Hunter’s original video:
Church financial breakdown Medium article:
How Churches Really Spend Their Money | by Dan Foster | Backyard Church | Medium
Church Services article:
Social and community function of churches - The Church - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - WJEC - BBC Bitesize
States voting record 2012:
How States Compare and How They Voted in the 2012 Election
Credit Cards Tipping by political affiliation article:
Democratic audit Republican donations article:
Republicans give more to charity – but not because they oppose income redistribution : Democratic Audit
3 Trump supporters tipping Market Watch article:
Who are better tippers: Democrats or Republicans? - MarketWatch
Brookings Institute Article (Out of wedlock birth analysis):
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