Life As We Were Told?!

11 months ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection]

Truth, reality, fiction?! Tall tales, agendas, questions?! Which, what and why??
We have ‘trusted’ and our trust has been manipulated through both love and fear. We can benefit from being more attentive and aware …. trusting ourselves and living our sovereignty, as we question the ‘structures and processes’ being imposed.

This poem is part of my 'Transitional Times' collection category which contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time in Ireland and Worldwide' created to encourage consideration, reflection and faith, in ourselves, others and God.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” or

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology”

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Poem wording:-

Life As We Were Told?!

What is true, what is real?

It doesn’t add up ….
what do you feel?

It’s false.

Like a footprint on the moon!!?
Take a look, no need to zoom!!

Why the lies, the tall tales?
What’s the agenda…
WHO are they, are ‘they’ off their rails’?
Is it for manipulation and control?
Or are ‘they’ after your very soul?!

Putting the world in fear,
… rebranding flu,
see “Event 201”.
Then judge how you feel!

Truth vs. fiction.
Good vs. evil.
Systems manoeuvred.
Lies told … a ‘two faced’,
‘hydra’ sold?!

Awareness now.
Wake up … time to be ‘bold’.
Let them lose their hold.
Hop out of that ‘mould’
and let the truth, be told.

Put on that ‘armour of God’.
Buckle up, brace yourself,
or they’ll be having
you languishing within the sod!!

No more the
‘Yes Sir’, ‘No Sir’
Us accepting their
Corporate air.

We decline …
No longer shall we ‘toe the line’.

We see that greed, is not care.

So much technically.
Has been evolved, yet
Until so called car battery was
‘Invented’ our cars mechanics
remained as good as stagnant?
Kinda odd!!

What are the odds?
Advancements, patents … etc.
lost or suppressed.
But of course, that
‘Rock-e-fella’r … he knows best!!
Their self-serving psychosis,
Wilfully runs and ruins the world,
as our inner gnosis shows us.

‘they’ keeps us in ‘the flintstones’
Yabba dabba doo… at his oil bedrock!!
We remain as ‘the modern stone age family’.
Time now to sharpen the ‘flint’.
We have had enough of this stint.

Psychological ‘ops’ …?
Look at all their props!!
Think of the ‘green screen’ backdrop.
None of it’s real …haw... jaw drop!!.

No more can we flip flop,
Naked feet, trotting
firm on the ground
We say ‘stop’.
Yabba, dabba, DON’T!!

Pause … intuit the truth,
as you did naturally …
while in your youth.

What and why do they
Seek us to supress?

Own your own power,
And only seek
to God impress.

28th August-23
Transitional Times Poem Collection.

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