Threats to Sea Turtles | How can we Help?

1 year ago

Sea turtles, majestic creatures of the ocean, face numerous threats that endanger their survival. Habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, entanglement in fishing gear, poaching, and ingestion of plastics pose significant risks to these ancient reptiles. Coastal development disrupts their nesting sites, while plastic pollution in oceans leads to ingestion, causing injury or death. Climate change impacts nesting beaches, altering sand temperature and potentially skewing the sex ratio of hatchlings. Conservation efforts are crucial to safeguard these endangered species and maintain the ecological balance of marine ecosystems.

Sea turtles, marine conservation, habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, plastic pollution, wildlife conservation, endangered species, nesting sites, ocean conservation, marine ecosystems, poaching, entanglement, conservation efforts, environmental protection, wildlife preservation.

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