KingCobraJFS Jan 7, 2024 "Making some Dank noodles"

1 year ago

On this day, King Cobra embarks on creating an unconventional and indulgent chicken ramen dish. He starts by adding a generous amount of olive oil and bacon grease to a pot, expressing his fascination with the concept of bacon grease in a tub. His plan is to make the noodles extremely high in calories and loaded with flavors. To achieve this, he incorporates a variety of seasonings, including Red Hot Buffalo Ranch, Pork King Good Bacon seasoning, and Glass Kicking seasoning from Alex Vicknair, along with some surprise elements. King Cobra then proceeds to microwave the noodle mixture with water and a significant amount of Country Crock spread, aiming to create a rich broth. He talks about adding numerous other ingredients such as summer sausage, sardines, bacon bits, Spam, Ritz crackers, chips, cheese, and an assortment of seasonings and sauces. The key highlight is frying slices of hot and spicy Spam in the same bacon grease and butter mixture used for the noodles. He meticulously fries the Spam, anticipating that it will add a unique taste to the ramen. Throughout the video, King Cobra acknowledges the unhealthiness of the dish but remains enthusiastic about its potential flavor appeal to his audience.

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