The Sons in Laws of Aubrey de Vere

1 year ago

In medieval England and France, marriage alliances were a way to solidify and expand territorial holdings. In chaotic times like The Anarchy, during the life of Aubrey II de Vere, solidifying one's family was more important than ever.

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I submit that the sons-in-law of Aubrey II de Vere were what I call a Super Family - people with different surnames who were still connected by blood; in some cases paternal blood.

If your surname is of Norman origins, I recommend this method of finding medieval ancestors - Look for different surnames in the medieval records giving gifts to priories and abbeys, going on crusade together, etc. Then look for the same names in your DNA SNP matches. Not your STR matches - those aren't as reliable. DNA SNP matches + medieval match-ups are irrefutable.

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