living comedian OR fool for Christ OR just a total moron? someone will tell me i'm sure of it

11 months ago

my tire is fine, my alignment is off
the battery is dying but don't worry we brought back up
none of my jokes are jokes
always mentally ill prepared
we know about this thing inside our brain
we gotta make use of what we have
everything is dwindling x2
yes that's a grateful dead bear
imma put em up haha
stupid, racist n arrogant statements all the time
not only am i a bad driver, i gloat about my foolishness
yet another example of what it means to be a living comedian
yes that is correct, the last video of 2023 was done on the staircase w/ my cat, paisley (the ones w/ the posters)
first video of this year: running off the road
i keep proving God's existence
here i go yet again making the same mistake
actually it sounded alright
keep tryin even if it feels like we're lyin to ourselves
i'm so used to self-fulfilling prophecies but so is society n they don't seem to know it
history don't repeat itself, it just rhymes n is in time w/ everything else that they're doin
it's never hard for them to pull these strings
society can't wait to be so typical n keep provin em right
so do i, tho n i hate that about myself
i'm so sorry that i am the way that i am
confession is tonight, we need to drive the other way
these videos really are my comedy confession
confession: i am a bad driver n i use being a woman as an excuse
i can always try harder
what i'm prone to be is silly ass me
i'm not a bad person, i'm just fucking dumb
we're putting this stuff up cos it is humbling no matter how it seems haha
that's black shit from my tires by the way
it's not making the noise now
believe it or not, i watch all these videos
this has already been a law tho
if they were really serious they should do that to EVERYONE
millennials n even some gen x
libertarians never think twice, if they did...
nothin for me to do on this flip phone but text people (and we were already scolded about it so, thank you for that i conceded)
the videos that i'm most embarrassed about (when i'm shooting them mind you *you dunno what i'm thinking) are usually super impressive when i watch em later and the opposite is true as well

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