Ben Bergquam - Iranian alien in Cali Warns me and America of What's Coming!

9 months ago

This might be the most insightful and terrifying interview I’ve ever done. Iranian national who crossed illegally into Jacumba, California, warns me and America of what’s coming. You must watch the whole thing!
Listen to what he says about Trump versus Biden, it truly is incredible.
Please share and help wake up the sleeping masses!
-Biden and the Democrats are National security threats!
I would trade this guy for any of the Democrats in power right now.

Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam recently spoke to an illegal immigrant and former Islamist, who warned that “Joe Biden is sleeping,” and violence is coming through our southern border at the hands of Islam.

The illegal alien, who traveled from Iran to Jacumba, California, further told Bergquam that if the “US falls, everyone falls.”

The man said he was born Muslim but does not believe in Islam, and when asked how bad Islam is, he remarked, “It’s terrible,” while comparing it to a wave of viruses plaguing the world.

“If I was governor here, I would be afraid,” the man said, noting that “all these people” coming across our borders are “military age.”

Bergquam recently reported on the hundreds of military-age males that invade the US from all over the world daily in Lukeville, Arizona. ...
IMMIGRANT: I come to Turkey, Turkey to Mexico, and Mexico to United States.

BERGQUAM: What would prevent a terrorist from doing the same thing?

IMMIGRANT: Nothing, exactly nothing. Real scary. I’m telling you friend, if you see Europe, politicians in Europe are sleeping. Like, don’t be offended, but Joe Biden is sleeping at the moment. It’s far more than terrible, not for US, for all of the world. Just look at the world. We have three wars. We have a rescission on the entire planet. Everyone say I’m wrong, but if you like it or not, if rescission comes in the US, like the pandemic, it comes in all the countries, and Joe Biden’s doing this it’s not good.

BERGQUAM: So Trump was better. You want Trump back in office?

IMMIGRANT: Despite that it fears us if you come and Trump is back, you will be deported, yes, I want Trump back. We have a sentence in our country that it means a lot for this moment: if someone betrays his family and his mother, just think about that, what he can do with the others… Joe Biden don’t respect the US. That’s my opinion.

BERGQUAM: How bad is Islam for the world?

IMMIGRANT: It’s terrible. It’s the new virus, the wave of viruses coming and you cannot prevent it like this. If you think people from radical Jihadist Islam and a radical system of Islam coming to your country and they take an oath of US citizen, and you think when there comes a time that they have to take a side between Islam and US, you will be so naive if you think they take the US’s side. Their minds are dead. Once, I asked one of my Islamist friends in Iran; he’s a good guy, he is a very respected guy at my office, and I asked him if your prophet tells you, you have to detonate a nuclear bomb, what would you do? He said, If the Prophet says it means it comes from Allah, and I would do it. And I respond that you’re one footstep away from being a terrorist. He don’t believe me, but that’s it. Islam is terrible.

Another alien, from Azerbijan, fresh from 12 years in prison, has been apprehended after internet sleuths identified him.

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