🌲Jan 7 Christ is born

1 year ago

🌲Jan 7 2024 Merry Chrismas on the ancient 46 BC Julius Caesar calendar. When people like Russians🇷🇺, Georgians🇬🇪, Ukranians 🇺🇦 and more who follow Orthodox ☦️ Christianity. Julius Caesar had a calendar made for his realm that was almost perfect, basically the calendar we still follow today. As Romans became Christian in the 300-500s AD, they kept the calendar. There was a slight error in it though, for how long the ,🌍Earth spins around the ☀️, so the ✝️Roman Catholic leader in 1582 slightly altered it, making the international Gregorian Calendar, which it is January 7th and Christmas is on December 25th. The slight error in the ancient calendar made time drift over thousands of years, the reason, it is now 14-15 days off , of where it scientifically should be. ☦️Orthodoxy created by Romans in Rome Italy🇮🇹 who spoke Latin, established in Istanbul (then Constantinople)🇹🇷 that spoke Greek🇬🇷, then adopted by Moscow🇷🇺 and the Russian Empire that spread used by Georgia 🇬🇪, Ukraine🇺🇦, and more... Traditionally sticks to the ancient Julian Calendar created by the Roman Empire and then Byzantine Empire. These are the languages they spoke.

καλά Χριστούγεννα🇬🇷

felicem natalem Christi🇮🇹

С Рождеством🇷🇺

შობას გილოცავთ🇬🇪

щасливого Різдва🇺🇦

🌲Jan 7 2024 Merry Chrismasis. Christ is born.

#oldchristmas #oldnewyear #romanempire #juliuscaesar #juliancalendar #byzantine #russian #georgia #ukraine #istanbul #constantinople #latin #greek #gregorian

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