Freedom Enough 051 - The AMA is Openly Communist

1 year ago

Where is the transgender nonsense really coming from?

Is it a grass roots movement fueled by an oppressed minority seeking only their equal protection under the law?

Or, is it just the latest manifestation of the global communist takeover, now in its final end game?

Is it really true that parents will have their child taken away from them simply for opposing so-called "gender affriming care" ?

Hello world, I am Alexander C. Baker J.D. expert in the law, including the law that says publerty blockers, cross sex hormones and mutilating surgery – on children – is now the "standard of care." It's January 7, 2024, today on Freedom Enough # 051, The AMA is Openly Communist

I have several shocking video clips to play for you today, clips from an Continuing Legal Education seminar given by a California Family Law Judge Joni Hiramoto and a transgender rights advocate attorney named Asaf Orr.

This seminar is presented to a classroom of Minor's counsels - these are the lawyers that are court-appointed in Family Law, and Dependancy cases, supposedly to represent the interest of the minor child.

Folks, if you watch and listen to this talk, it is clear, it is absolutely obvious, that what is being taught here is:

• Puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery - on children - is the "standard of care"
• We are to assume that mutilating the child is in the child's best interest
• It is the "parent in opposition" to transgender who harming the child and who will lose custody of the child
• The only questions are whether to allow ANY contact between the supposedly trans child and the "parent in opposition."
• Children supposedly know their gender identity at 3-5 years old, and if they don't "come out" of the closet by then, it's because they are afriad of disapporval
• Girls who get double mastectomies are supposedly very happy
• Puberty-blockers are supposedly 100% reversible.

I've posted the entire 1 hour 5 minute video - with subtitles - on Rumble, at PMJMP on Rumble.

The entire thing is communist propaganda from start to finish. Remember, the family is the enemy of the state. Karl Marx and all of his decendants understand this. The purpose of Family Court is twofold - to destroy families and to take all the money.

Speaking of communism, and before I play some of these clips from the Trangender Continuing Legal Education talk, I'm going to read a few exceprts from a document published by the American Medical Association - the AMA - entitled:

Organizational Strategic Plan to
Embed Racial Justice and
Advance Health Equity

If you don't actually know what that means - good! There might be hope for you, because it's just Marxist / Communist blah-ble-dee-blah. This entire 86-page document is just a rambling political screed, using all of the woke buzzwords about systemic racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, inequity, etc. etc. etc.

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