"Dogma" (1999) Directed by Kevin Smith

1 year ago

“Good Lord. The little stoner has a point!”.

Dogma is one of my favourite films of all time and I revere the madness that this film represents very close to my twisted heart. But anyway, a little bit of scene setting: “Bethany” is working at Planned Parenthood and slowly losing her long held faith. Visited by an Angel in her bedroom, she is handed an unusual task, to save humanity! Attacked in a car park by a ferocious gang, Bethany is rescued by an unusual pair of human beings. Cue “Jay” and “Silent Bob”. So, with the help of Jay and Silent Bob, Bethany is to undertake a task completely out of the blue, with the repercussion being if she’s unsuccessful, humanity will no longer exist.

With me so far?

I will keep the remainder purposefully vague for two reasons. Firstly, if you haven’t seen this film and have stumbled your way down my Kevin Smith appreciation unaware of how good Dogma is, then I hope when you see the following cast list you’ll be intrigued further and desperate to see this all time classic film. The following really is the cast list and the characters they play are as noted! Secondly, I intend to write a complete scene by scene treatise of Dogma some day as I obsess time and time again over this film.

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The above opening paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "Dogma" penned and published over a decade ago, transferred to my Medium blog site on 24th December 2022 and which can now be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site and original updated article linked immediately below. I've also linked my original opus blog article on the entire cinematic career of Kevin Smith too:



This spoiler free review is also integral to volume 2 of my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection". Currently only available as an e-book with each volume priced at £4.99, however each and every volume can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:

Volume 2


All 7 Volume Series



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