Whistleblower Discloses Top Secret Weapons In Antarctica

1 year ago

Snippet of Eric Hecker’s statement from the disclosure report press conference, June 12 2023.

Hecker claims to have knowledge and proof that the Ice Cube detector in Antarctica is more than just an outer space neutrino detector.

He says the UFOs emit neutrinos so the only way to track them is with a neutrino detector, and that Ice Cube is also a communication base for “faster than light communications”.

He claims to have seen a green light shooting into space from The detector, and that it appears to be powered by something buried in the ice that could be nuclear or “other”.

He says that turning it on happened at the same time as the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquakes that killed 185 people.

Ice Cube Station construction was finished in 2010. The Christchurch earthquakes occurred on 8 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 in an area not previously known to have a fault line.


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CreeperStatus, #Creeper-Status, Creeper, Status, #ceasefirenow, classified, Antarctica, weapons, neutrino, green laser, whistleblower, south pole, Eric Hecker, UFOs, UFO, IceCube Detector, faster than light, communication, New Zealand, Christ Church, Earthquakes, Ratheon, south pole station, DOMS, Neutrino Light Array, Digital Optical Modules, Weopons Against Humanity, nuclear,

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