The Israeli Model Society, 2016

1 year ago

"In addition to the proposed courts reforms, Biden is also unhappy with Israel’s government because of its accelerated settlement in the West Bank, and because of the extremists that Netanyahu has joined with in his coalition. Israel’s government is its most right-wing in history.
The English-language commentary by Biden and Herzog barely addressed tensions between the two countries.
“I was pleased to hear about your conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu, which focused on our ironclad military and security cooperation,” Herzog said as he and Biden met in the Oval Office. “Because there are some enemies of ours that sometimes mistake the fact that we may have some differences as impacting our unbreakable bond. I truly believe that if they would know how much our cooperation has grown in recent years and achieved new heights, they would not think that way.”
[HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, Ron Kampeas, "Herzog says Israel should take
Biden’s concerns about judicial overhaul into consideration", July 28, 2023]

"The peace party dared hardly to mutter their half-hearted counsels ; and when Q. Fabius, the chief of the embassy, held up his toga, saying, "I carry here peace and war; choose ye which ye will have;"—"Give us whichever you please," replied the Carthaginians. "War, then," said Fabius; and the decision was greeted as is usual in times of such excitement, by the short-sighted acclamations of the masses. They feel the enthusiasm of the moment; they do not realize its tremendous responsibility. They see with their mind's eye the pomp and pride and circumstance of war; they do not see its horrors and devastations. They hear the din of preparation; they are deaf, till it is too late, to the cry of agony or to the wail of the bereaved; else war would never, as experience proves it so often is, be welcomed as a boon; it would be submitted to only as the most dire necessity."
[Rome & Carthage: The Punic Wars, R. Bosworth Smith, 1889, p. 113]

"The lack of Eros, of relationship to values, is painfully apparent in the Book of Job: the paragon of all creation is not a man, but a monster! Yahweh has no Eros, no relationship to man, but only to a purpose which man must help him fulfill. But that does not prevent him from being jealous and mistrustful like any other husband, though even here he has his purpose in mind and not man.
.... Against his own convictions, Yahweh agrees without any hesitation to inflict the worst tortures on him. One misses Sophia's "love of mankind" more than ever. Even Job longs for the Wisdom which is nowhere to be found.
Job marks the climax of this unhappy development."
[Answer to Job, Carl Jung, 1952, Ch.3]

"All forms of violence are a quest for identity. When you live out in the frontier you behave no identity, therefore you get very tough. You have to prove that you are somebody, and so you become very violent. And so, identity is always accompanied by violence. This, ah, seems paradoxical to you?
Ordinary people find the need for violence as they loose their identities. So it is only the threat to people's identity that make them violent... they are determined to make it somehow; to get coverage; to get noticed."
[Violence As Quest For Identity, Marshall McLuhan, TVO, Canada, 1977]

"I cannot look at any more maps. The names of cities reek of burnt flesh".
[The Human Province, Elias Canetti, 1973, English Edition, 1978, Sec. "1943“]

"A nation has truly disappeared only when its very enemies too have lost their name."
[The Human Province, Elias Canetti, 1973, English Edition, 1978, Sec. "1943“]

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