"Kill List" (2011) Directed by Ben Wheatley

1 year ago

Ben Wheatley’s horrible horror is still horribly magnificent.

“You shouldn’t shout at Mummy”

At just 95 minutes long, this horror/thriller has damn near everything. The scene is set from the very first shot, very first look, and the film is unrelenting until the final scene. It’s difficult to classify as a horror/thriller as it’s so much more than that and even after several re-viewings it still surprises with the touches you missed the first time which are more evident, yet still you see something, and yet another piece of the puzzle on further viewings. Not strictly a three act structure, more a fluid film weaving a narrative between the main characters. I’ll briefly appraise the opening act, fully explore part of act two and leave the rest to your imaginations and hopefully your DVD and Blu Ray players.

It’s a film that simply must be seen.

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The above opening paragraphs are taken from my spoiler free review of "Kill List" and one of my earliest forays into film writing and film appreciation over a decade ago. This review was originally penned and published over a decade ago, transferred to my Medium blog site on 2nd December 2022 and can now be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site and original updated article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also integral to volume 3 in my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection". Currently only available as an e-book, all 7 exhaustive volumes of multiple spoiler free film reviews are priced at £4.99 however, should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package you can read each and every volume for free.

Volume 3


All 7 Volumes Series



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