9 months ago

Cayenne pepper is one of the most beneficial spices that you can begin consuming for your health. This is due to the peppers ability to effortlessly move blood in the human body. This spice is one of the best ways to improve your circulation, making it a very valid tool for your health. Cayenne, a heart food, also strengthens the heart, and helps clear the arterial walls of plaque and accumulated waste. Cayenne can also thin blood. Because of the SAD standard American diet, people now have sluggish digestion and thickened blood. This leads to a coagulation of the circulatory system and renders the individual afflicted by this, greatly hindered in his or her health.

By consuming cayenne as a tea or in pill form, as well as a tincture ( tea and tincture are the greatest ways to consume it although capsules will work if you have a sensitivity to heat ) you will effectively begin to experience the benefits of the herb. Eating cayenne sprinkled on food simply does not yield the same pro-health benefits.

If you are new to cayenne I suggest buying regular store bought culinary powered cayenne. 10-15 minutes after a meal place 1/4 tsp into a 5-8 ounces of warm or hot water. Stir the cayenne in and let it steep in the warmth for at least 5 minutes. Start with a little sip to gauge the heat and your tolerance to it. If you can handle it, place the tea mixture into your mouth and swoosh it around so you can feel the heat all throughout your mouth. This not only predigested the tea with your saliva and its enzymes, but the capsaicin in the tea will hit your tongue and trigger a response in your heart circulatory system to dilate the arterial walls. This is how cayenne effectively moves blood. It does so by way acting almost like natural nitroglycerin. However, cayenne is much safer. There are small traces of vitamin A in cayenne, which help clear the circulatory system of accumulated blockages. These blockages, which are ever so prevalent in our backwards, unhealthy society, pose a serious risk to your health and your lifespan.

Health starts first and foremost by removing that which is hindering and blocking you from attaining the level of health you desire. Although changing your diet, your quality of drinking water, and taking supplements can help you reach this desired goal of better health, it is practically impossible if you do not first and foremost remove the blockages in your bodies circulatory system. What good is trying to reach a state of health when you're clogged up, have sluggish blood, and poor circulation. Start by clearing the blockages, and cayenne is potentially the best way to go about achieving it. I have yet to find something that can replace the effects of cayenne.

I suggest reading LEFT FOR DEAD by Dick Quinn. I mention this book in almost all of my videos about cayenne pepper. I would also strongly urge those interested in cayenne, to pick up Richards second book: DEATH BY DECEPTION. Richard Schulze's book with Sam Biser titled " CURING WITH CAYENNE " as well as the material written by Dr John Christopher are also suggested.

Hot peppers are also very easy to grow. Every season I grow an abundance of these miraculous fruits. I often make Chili oil, as well as my own alcohol based tinctures. These last years and are a great and effective way to consume cayenne. Tinctures are also highly convent because they can't be taken with you while you travel. You never know when someone, or yourself, may need the immediate ingestion of cayenne to potentially stop a heart attack.

Lastly, if you have yet to search my extensive archive of cayenne pepper videos, I strongly urge that you do.

Peace be with you.

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