Prime Directive Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Prime Directive Energy Vlog title is form the l tlak Idid off of the JF
K X interview of jay weidner where he talked about why the elohim do not want us to talk about them My theory revolves around the concept of the prime directive from star Trek fame. that advanced race should not interfere with budding planetary societies. The Elohim or the Anunnaki have broken the law and they want to keep on the down low with the galactic federation of planets. The Star Seed oracles card tend to point to htat tool.
The starseed oracle card Perspective talks about none iof this matters. Zoom out and find common ground. It is in the Galactic Federation of Planets (GFP) common ground is they want us to be guardian of the Galaxy not the scourges of the Galaxy. Since some of the er member are implicated in this breach of the prime directive are sorry, which is the second card I'm Sorry, defenselessness Righting a past wrong.
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