Is Nikki Hayley a replacement for the DEMS IN 2024?!?

1 year ago

so is Nikki Haley a RINO?? Oh you bet your ass she is! Wait until you hear the possible neocon level Nikki is on from Vivek Ramaswamey himself.

I don't plan on voting for either Rama swami or Haley I plan on voting for Trump. cuz if it's not broken what the hell are you fixing? and if he's the fixer and we're broken then you know who to call. I've already seen the proof in the pudding it's called the Trump administration of 2017 - 2021.

but it seems our suspicions are incorrect it's not going to be Gavin newsom or Mike Obama!
what better way to subvert a political party than to plant a RINO into the possible Republican presidential candidate?

I paid for Tucker Carlson Network but this information is just too important to not share. so please apologize for the subtitles because the audio will not record when I do a screen record so I had to do captions so you got the information. I am not monetized on either YouTube or on Rumble and that is not what I'm seeking in the future at all. please understand that this is such important information and this is a political year in which we will vote our next president. the power of the United States and whether it will be a world power or succumb to socialism is on the line! our country is on the line our freedom and everything we've ever known since the day we were born is on the line. if we're such a superpower then our falling will surely affect the rest of the world and all hell will break loose if we make the wrong decisions or let them make the decision for us like they did last time. that's right I believe 20/20 was stolen from Donald Trump and from me and you. we would not be going through half the things that we are let alone the rest of the world if we still had Donald Trump in as president. he's the only one they fear because he does what he says he does no questions asked. we need a businessman to take care of business. got some chick that's worried about new curtains in her office or just looks at a bank account while no longer in government but a private citizen and gets three times richer than she was when she was governor of South Carolina. why do you think Trump got rid of her? he didn't mind that she was signing off and leaving and neither were we.
all I ask is that you listen to the video and think about it. do your own research go to trusted sites and sites on the other side. listen to both sides of this argument and you make your own conclusion don't just push it by the wayside and go oh it's day so it's that and fall back on another line of what the other party told you also don't fall for the line your own party told you. neither party really has a best interest in the CITIZENS of the United States.


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