I'm a Free Man

8 months ago

Joe Murray - I'm A Free Man

Produced By Joe Murray
Instrumental By Mixla Productions


"So what we have here is a multi-national, multi-generational, parasitic ruling class raping the Earth of its resources and driving humanity deeper into bondage".

Ayo emergin' from the shadows comes a light warrior determined
Resisting' this system of violence and coercion
Learned how to spot the workings of the men behind the curtain
And the truth through the lies and perversion
So I can hand ya the script with the proper gramma'
For you to understand their modus operandi and notice the propaganda
That they be spewin' Through their paid talkin' heads
Trying to send you off to bed
Well I was sent to wake the walkin' dead
And take part in startin' a slave rebellion
And break out of this Orwellian state we're held in
Headin' towards total totalitarianism
A global technological authoritarian prison
Far worse than Huxley could of had ever envisioned
The choice is yours, time to make a decision
You can choose to deny
Accept your chains, live the lie
but I'ma look these scum dead in the eye and tell em I refuse to comply cus

I'm a free man
You mother fucka's don't own me
You won't hold me down, mold my mind or control me
I'm a free man
I refuse to live in ya clutches
I'ma expose the dirt of you disgusting mother fucka's
I'm a free man
You'll never take this gun from my hand
So send in ya minions I'ma drop em right where they stand
I'm a free man
Nobody can contain me
I'm a force to reckon with here to abolish slavery

Where the fuck do you mother fucka's get off thinking that people are property of the state?
Time you get put in ya place
Cus I had it up to here with your decrees and ya dictates
Thinking you have the right to rule, well I'ma set this shit straight
And let these people know that your authority is imaginary
Show em their adversary
Bury you with my vocabulary
And rage against your psychotic machine as long as I'm breathin'
And be a voice of truth in this war for our freedom
These chumps believin' all that bullshit you say
But you ain't foolin' me punks, I know the fucking games you play
I studied ya methodologies and psychopathic qualities
And the tactics you use to wage war psychologically
Diabolically implementin' ya twisted agenda
But this one'll never surrender
Even if I got to end up behind my rifle takin' my final stand
And if you want it you're going to have to pry it from my cold dead hands cus

I'm a free man
You mother fucka's don't own me
You won't hold me down, mold my mind or control me
I'm a free man
I refuse to live in ya clutches
I'ma expose the dirt of you disgusting mother fucka's
I'm a free man
You'll never take this gun from my hand
So send in ya minions I'ma drop em right where they stand
I'm a free man
Nobody can contain me
I'm a force to reckon with here to abolish slavery


Website - https://freedomforall.online

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