Not many know tomatoes were designed

1 year ago

Not many people know that tomatoes were designed. We take them for granted and rarely think about where they come from or how complex they are. We live in a society that is deeply rooted in Materialist Atheistic religious adherence to the idea that life in all its complexity came about by pure chance - it just happened! This is neither scientific nor rational. It is a deeply religious belief system that has no basis in real science. All we are given is fine sounding stories but with no actual observations to support them. Evolution has never been observed it has just been explained. It is a theory that flies in the face of reality.
Design on the other hand is obvious. Even Richard Dawkins admits his observation would lead him to believe in design but his prior commitment to his religious Materialist philosophy means that he cannot accept what he observes.
In the end design is obvious and so there must be a designer. Who is he? Has he spoken? And what does it all mean?

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