1/6/24 God is my treasure, He walks with me. ❤️

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A Warning to the All Nations of the Earth!
December 9, 2018 Veronika West

I hear The Spirit of God say, “Watch and pray, for these are the days of Elijah, these are the days of sudden and severe shakings in the nations of the earth.

For a divine dismantling is now giving way to even greater destruction in the nations.

But fear not, for My righteous anger burns hot against the enemies of The Living God!

Watch! For now I AM doing a new thing in the midst of you. A thing that shall astonish and astound. A thing that shall confuse and confound. A thing that is strange and mysterious.

Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard and minds could not conceive what I AM about to do in the nations of the earth!

Now watch, as the moles are driven out of their holes and the black snakes emerge from the darkness of their caves!

Listen! For many will cry out “There is no where to hide! There is no way of escape!”

But surely I tell you that their works of wickedness and their acts of evil have come up before Me once again as an abomination.

Watch and pay attention! For the gavel of My Justice and Righteousness now falls upon the heads of the wicked, sentencing them to an eternal separation.

I tell you the truth, I shall even forget the day that I created them,” says The Spirit of The Living God.

When I received this word today I was physically shaken to my core, as The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD came upon me.

I began to cry out to The Father to show mercy, for it was shown to me, in but a fleeting moment, what lay in store for those who have killed the unborn and those who have defied the ways of The Living God in the nations.

Then suddenly I saw into the realm of the Spirit where I saw two Archangels of The LORD, one had the appearance of a pillar of blazing fire and the other held a sharp sickle in his hand.

As I dared to look upon them I saw that they were standing between heaven and hell they were standing ready to go into the nations of the earth!

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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