8 months ago

The Great Deluge, Great Flood, Mud Flood, or Great Reset, whatever you want to call it, definitely happened, this much we know for sure! We also know Mankind's historical timeline has been so terribly distorted, it's at the point where nobody really knows for sure when anything actually happened. We have windows, but to pin point exact dates is literally impossiball. I personally don't think Mankind has been around very long in our particular reality, model, and design....maybe 1200 years. I have heard great arguments that the "1" in 1999, was actually an icon, & not a number at all. That would mean our history is just over 1000 years old! At some point, a great flood did occur, but have there been multiple great floods? Something else I have discovered is that before the Deluge, Mankind were all vegan, & I believe all the animals were too. We have been lied to about everything, so why believe anything they the RZC says? I started looking deeper into the history of veganism, & found that many ancient Saints & Scolars all agreed that before the flood, nobody ate flesh, nor did anyone drink alcohol. Alcohol & Carnism seem to be inextricably linked, which makes so much sense! So, what about lions & tigers? I believe they were vegan as well. What about all the images of lions feasting on gazelles? What if climatic conditions were created to produce a decade long drought, destroying their entire food supply? We know the RZC have done all kinds of psychopathic experiments, starving to death large populations at a given time, so why would this be a stretch? We know about the survival instinct in the natural world, so maybe a lion who hasn't eaten is 2 months might consider plan B? What if the RCZ created those conditions, & just waited with cameras to record the inevitable carnage? There are many vegan animals with giant canine, & incisor teeth, so we can eliminate that argument. God's diet is one that is a superconductor of the divine. My cats eat a tonne of leafy greens....they love it! There is all kinds of literature on vegan cats. They say taurine is the ingredient cats must have, & that they can only get it from killing & eating other beings...this has been proven to be false. Lentils, nuts & seeds, seaweed & algae contain taurine. Lions eat all kinds of vegan food...grass, berries, & fruit to name a few things. The notion of any of God's creatures being solely an eater of other beings flesh is ridiculous. Veganism was always the way, thus, a term for the normal diet of Mankind was never required. It's painfully obvious that eating beautiful, intelligent, & highly emotional beings is the work of the devil, & the same can be said about the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol turns off our feelings, disables our emotion chips, & steals from us that which makes us human. Alcohol is something you might consider using, if you were about to try & force indigenous cultures, & all people of the world to start killing & eating the flesh of other beings. *vaxx

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