1 year ago

Is anyone other than the government surprised by this? All the test results I have seen suggest students are getting stupider. Time for students to learn important skills is being incrementally reduced to make way for useless and harmful woke ideology. However you look at it it seems an odd choice for the direction of education. Of course parents don't want reduced education for their children.

I still believe this is part of some cock-eyed scheme to replace teachers with A.I.. The technology is obvious to anyone who examines it far from currently capable of this task. However, like with most things governments do these days they seem intent on doing as they please and worrying about results later.

To me this sounds like a half truth. I'm sure people are ditching the N.B.N., but is it only due to increased prices? My personal observation is that a growing number of people only use their mobile phones, they don't use a P.C., many don't even own one. Therefore they no longer use the N.B.N.. As a person who doesn't own a mobile phone the number of fools I have to deal with who only want to communicate by text is astounding. The worst are people who attempt to lie to my face when I question why they haven't sent me requested documents or data, they bare-faced lie to me saying they texted it to me, when I ask how did they do that since I don't have a mobile phone the conversation breaks down quickly. I've even had one or two fools suddenly lose the ability to speak English when asked how they texted a nonexistent phone.

So, Prince Andrew is arrogant? Who would have thought telling a person from infancy to old age that they are royalty would lead to them being arrogant?

What surprises me is that they haven't sorted this out earlier. Queen Elizabeth should have dealt with it. Send him somewhere remote and forbid him from coming back. I understand some of the channel islands are basically a billionaire's playground. He could have been sent there, and lived out his life in relative luxury, and still be amongst his own kind.

I'll be interested to see if any mysterious accidents befall him.

I always thought the claims that Dianna was assassinated were without merit. Not because I think the royals are incapable of such a thing, but because I couldn't see why they would be bothered. To me Dianna always seemed like a spoiled rich bitch who enjoyed wagging her finger at others for not being as woke as her. So if something happens to Andrew I will have to reassess my opinion of the likelihood of Dianna being assassinated.

Anyone remember the government myhealth scheme they tried to force down our throats? Where if you didn't want it you had to opt out? So many people kept opting out that the government had to repeatedly extend the opt out period. I believe this is a second attempt at that.

I've been aware of, and ignoring, the mymedicare scheme for months. It is another attempt by the government to get their hands on your private health records. This time using bribes for doctors, and reduced patient fees to get people to sign on.

If after the covid you are stupid enough to give the government access to your health records then you deserve what they do to you.

Ah, yes, another dose of fear porn. Where would Australian television be without fear porn?

Over 95% are fully injected, of course it was going to plateau. What did they think would happen, the numbers would rise to 200%, 300%, 1000%? And what about that shocking drop in figures? A whopping just over 1%. I'm surprised they aren't claiming the sky is falling.

Here is another look at the graph showing the shocking drop of just over 1%. Can you see the drop? Does it help to see it if you squint a bit?

Now compare that graph with this graph of excess deaths. Supposedly there is nothing of note in this graph. The same people who claimed the last graph was shocking claim there is zero important information in this graph.

Here is the first graph again.

And here is the second.

Do you need any more evidence that the covid psyop is far from over. The media are now the enemy of the people.

I'm not sure what is going on here. I don't speak Russian so that is one thing hindering my understanding. Even with my difficulty understanding this looks highly edited, it appears to be another Russia, Russia, Russia, report claiming Russia is run by a tyrant.

The really odd thing is these are all consenting adults in a report that is being released at the same time as we are getting facts about western people in power engaging in systematic abuse of non-consenting minors.

Surely there must be some medium alternative between banning all adults freely engaging with other consenting adults, and vile predators preying on the underage?

For me there didn't seem to be any problem with the Russian party, they were all adults, as far as I know no one was forced to watch their video. I seem to be in an ever decreasing minority of people who think consenting adults should be left alone.

I can understand the prices of materials going up. With the current inflation they couldn't do anything else.

I can't understand a lack of tradesmen. Australia took in over 700 thousand people last year alone. Weren't any of them fucking tradesmen?

Who the hell is the government letting into the country? And why?

700 thousand invaders and we are still short of tradesmen, it just doesn't make sense.

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