⚡Shocking Ouija Board⚡- Insane Paranormal Activity!! 😱

11 months ago

Using the Ouija Board in another attempt to communicate with the Entity, we had no activity, until we stopped using the board that is!

Then, the planchette started to move all on its own! We didn't capture what it first spelled out as we were scrambling to get the camera that was setup to record in another room.

I shortened the camera tripod and stuck it right on the table pointing down at the Ouija Board.

As you can see in the video, it started to move on its own again and spelled out the word "LEAVE".

I tried to cast out the Entity, but nothing seemingly reacted. However, when I put my hand down towards the planchette, I immediately got zapped by an electrical force!

It was very unpleasant feeling and actually blackened my fingertips and palm of my hand.

We might try again next week.

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