The White Hat Delusion

1 year ago

*Watch All this.

The real White Hat Operation will be the people when we wake up and get our heads out of our a$$es and stop watching the movie.

They ALL are on the same side. ALL leaders of the world are Klaus Schwab b*tches. Especially Putin and Trump.

Trump is the head man that they chose to keep America distracted, clueless and hopeful that he is fighting the cabal. That way everyone will not resist. They will just wait and watch and hope things change while Trump plays his charade like he is fighting the "Deep State" and signing Executive Orders that make sense to the people.

It's a GAME people. They tighten the screw and they loosen the screw a little bit.

When they have someone like Trump loosen the screw, it NEVER gets back to where it started from. NEVER. Before we know it another 4 years has passed and it's time for the next actor of the movie to play his role and go back to tightening the screw.

That is how the game is played. The people never gain ground, but the Cabals noose gets tighter and tighter. That is how our freedom is taken away. They change inalienable rights to privileges. Privileges are like rewards for following immoral and unlawful rules and regulations.

As soon as the people realize that there is NO politician that will save us, maybe then we realize that we are the white hats, and we have to save ourselves by not complying with the bullshit.

We can develop our own trading monetary system; we don't have to choose their digital electric prison.

The masses need to know that there is NO world savior, there is NO American politician who will save America from the tyranny, and we are under attack by the ones who ACT like they are helping us. The government agencies are doing this.

All the 3 letter agencies are doing this.

The Corporations - who are united in Lockstep are doing this.

Big Pharma - is united and in Lockstep.

The politicians are all on the same page attempting to usher in the New World Order - officially, technically there has been one after WWII after the failure of reinstating the German Emperor - who was Old World Order.

Both are slavery systems, what we don't know is that we have never been free in the first place, that is how grand their illusion is and how well it has worked.

We put NO pressure on the people who are supposed to be representing us. WHY?

Why did people fall for the medias lies and go stand in lines to get those jabs?

Once the masses really wake up and tell our local politicians that we are not going to stand for them doing absolutely nothing anymore.

These WARS are just for show and they create the hate and they send their expendables to the battle fields and watch them be killed.

Let the Deprogramming begin so we can Wake Up!

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