Deep dive into the Turkey UFO case that Dr. Leir was present of the filming (Solution 2024)

1 year ago

#uap #turkey #drleir

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! The Turkey UFO case breakdown
the science + Gravity research for the quest of hover craft and more!
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul gives a intro and checks on stream
is working right before commencing
[00:07:20] (2) Topic Begins - Intro for part 1 of the breakdown
corruption in the info.. was STS-48 - see my live debunk episode on that one too!
[00:11:36] (3) The Turkey Videos mostly 2008 the best of the 3 years
[00:14:21] (3b) the Moon and the object on the same frame and angle is typical
where camera flares happen too!
[00:15:37] (3c) Where it was filmed from near Istanbul Turkey
[00:15:30] (3d) Mismatching of Brands (optics) Canon to Sony
[00:17:58] (3e) Mick west Metabunk with a mosaic list of frame grabs
from, over the years.... some look clearly circle LENS rim parts.. that have
been cropped at the bottom.. so how could that be done? Time formats
suggest two cameras used.
[00:20:42] (3f) The Ship on the sea claims... is ridiculous for the fact
people snap the angle of the camera was aimed at the moon
not horizon or fata morgana zone and a few more reasons to BOOT!
[00:21:50] (3g) The day time video of the red lights.. but Paul points
out its fata morgana of wind farm directly across the sea basin.
[00:26:00] (3h) The camera man gear and snapped filming
the guy next to him I was told is a known hoaxer but havent
confirmed it.
[00:28:45] (4) Lets look at the curved red lights May 15 2009 video
and show a map of wind farms .. that exist in both directions
he aimed the camera..
[00:29:21] (4b) The Wind Farm map of Turkey sea of Mamara
[00:36:00] (5) Light to the moon could it be lens flare false image
or reflection where the moon light illuminates metal edging?
and thus reflects of the back of the telephoto back lens?
[00:39:00] (5b) Paul explains basic false image and how can move lens
and change the size of the reflection. Note when Paul says Square
he means Rectangle
[00:49:00] (5c) Inside a telephoto/converter and how it has
groves and contacts and rectangle plastic that could reflect
and also block some light making up the final image.
[00:58:00] (5d) Rectangle/Square in the camera cropping bottom
[00:59:00] (6) Nikon P1000 P900 comparison and history why
was he using handycam still in 2009
[01:01:10] (7) Hot on the track now how this hoax was pull-off!
[01:09:50] (8) How was the rectangle light blocker used - Paul
works out how the angles would work and how it blocks
[01:21:00] (9) Matching the internal workings to that of the UAP with aliens
[01:27:00] (10) Check the side comments for reactions
[01:29:00] (11) So Paul thinks thats the final solution - the edge was reflected
on angle and made smaller cos of how the lenses work
[01:32:00] (11b) How about the aliens? well Paul says could be
unscrewed screw heads and a lever
[01:38:00] (11c) how did Dr Leir see what he was seeing
well.. the onboard pop out LCD panel
[01:42:00] (11d) More examples of Lens reflections/Flares
[01:43:00] (12) Now analysis of Star Map for Doctor Leir's visit on the 13 May 2009
[01:46:00] (13) Finish it off looking at the interviews and old videos
of the craft and claims made to the analysis just done!
[01:55:00] (14) Proof is out there show experts are clueless
[02:01:00] (15) correction Mick has 8 more pages I didnt see at time
and indeed had a rim lens theory later on.. about same time I first posted
about the rim being internal reflection on a old live debunk I did.
[02:04:40] (16) Found others talking about reflections using the teleconverter
on a camera site.. its a well know problem
[02:10:00] (17) Now finally wrap up on the interviews and fact checking
]02:28:00] (18) close look at the aliens and enhancements and what Paul
thinks they really are!

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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