Chihuahua Dressed In McDonald’s Outfit Delivers Fast Food To Owner

6 years ago

An adorable video has emerged of the cutest delivery guy there is! Footage shows a tiny Chihuahua pup dressed in McDonald’s outfit standing on the front porch, delivering food to his owner. This delivery guy will sure earn a nice tip for his efforts. Adorable!

Watch as Oscar, the tiny Chihuahua pup lends a helping hand to McDonald's staff and delivers fast food to his owner’s porch. He is the cutest delivery guy we have ever seen, flaunting that yellow and red outfit and delivering them burger and fries while they are still fresh and warm. He does appreciate being invited in for some hospitality as well!

Oscar is dressed in the well-known McDonald’s outfit and is wearing a frice on his sleeve. How convenient. McDonald’s has created a line of branded outfits for our pets. Hurray!

Footage shows as this adorable pooch, dressed in themed outfit that makes him look like a bag of french fries, appear at the front door of his owner’s house with a fresh McDonald’s delivery! What a nice surprise, your dog welcoming you with a nice fast food treat!

Moments later, footage shows the dining table and three plates filled with the well-known McDonald’s french fries and tasty burgers. Oscar has deserved his place on this table, for being such a good boy! Flaunting his clownish outfit, he is obediently sitting in the chair, waiting to say grace and dig into that delicious fast food meal! Bon appetit!

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