1 year ago

It’s an odd sensation watching Italy’s hard-right Prime Minister excoriate Emmanuel Macron for French neo-imperialism in Africa. Giorgia Meloni’s analysis of the evils of the CFA franc and they way it is used by France to keep Africans economically enslaved is spot on. But she’s a fascism fan-girl who openly praises her country’s former dictator, Benito Mussolini. (As they say, even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day!) Of course, she’s only worried about French neo-imperialism because it’s fuelling the migrant crisis in which Italy is so heavily caught up in. Also, she seems to be forgetting that her own hero Mussolini had similar dreams of financial control over Africans with plans to launch his own colonial currencies. And, moreover, the firebrand ought perhaps to cool it until she comes clean about her own neo-imperialist ambitions in Africa. She has grand plans for Italy to act as a hub for Africa’s natural gas exports to Europe, involving the construction of new pipelines in several nations on our continent. (All gas pipelines lead to Rome?) So the verdict has to be: she’s an absolute hypocrite!

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